

精彩回顾丨瑞得福国际学校圣诞典礼 Christmas Gala

发布日期:2021-01-25 13:58 阅读:2465人

  在西方国家, 圣诞节的地位就跟中国的春节一样重要。亦如我们中国的春节一样, 西方人会在圣诞节回家和家人一起团圆过节。正因如此, 西方国家的圣诞庆典活动就和是我们中国的春晚一样隆重。在瑞得福学生会的组织下,瑞得福国际学校于2020年12月16下午成功举办了一场盛大的圣诞庆典,全校师生欢聚一堂,共度美好时光。 In the Western Civilization, Christmas is as important as the Spring Festival in China. And like the Spring Festival, the family would gather for the celebration of Christmas. Therefore, a Christmas ceremony for the West is like the Spring festival Gala “Chun Wan” in China. And to celebrate Christmas, the RDFSG raised such a gala in RDFIS.


  Patient students waiting for the Gala to begin

  Rehearsal/ Preparation |彩排/ 准备 |

  全体指导老师,演职人员以及主持人, 在活动开始前两个小时,开始了较后一轮彩排,他们的努力付出,只为给全校师生呈现较精彩的演出。 In order to present the best performance, the staff, performers, hosts, and teachers all began the final rehearsal two hours before the performance.

  彩排ing的主持人们Hosts rehearsing for the Gala

  节目开始前, Leland校长亲自给大家派送了富有圣诞气息的拐杖糖。 And right before the performances began, Mr. Anderson distributed candy canes, a symbol of Christmas.

  Programs view |

  节目一览 |

  精心制作的节目单~ 工作人员必备Programs list~ A "must have" for the staff

  1)《Happy New Year》/ 《大鱼[Big Fish]》

        要说庆典活动节目的较积极参与者, 董老师带领的合唱团当仁不让。董老师和合唱团的演员们,用一首《大鱼》拉开了本场活动的帷幕,清澈嘹亮的歌声,给我们耳目一新的心灵震撼。真是余音绕梁,三日未绝。 If we were voting on the most enthusiastic performers, the choir would be the first in line. Today, they brought us the song “Big Fish”, beginning with Ms. Sunny Dong’s sharp and clear voice, and soon after, came the crystal-clear voices of the Choir members.

  Lucky Draw环节

       正如我们所期待的一样, RDFIS典礼上经典的抽奖环节或许会迟到, 但绝不会缺席。每一份礼品都饱含着领导老师们对我们学子们的期待和祝福。 Just as we anticipated, the Lucky rolled in. Even if the gifts may seem negligible, hopes and wishes for everyone are contained within.

  RDF国际学校创始人Gary和 校董Mona担任Lucky Draw Host~ 究竟谁是幸运儿呢?Mr Gary and Mrs Mona hosting the Lucky Draw~ Who's the lucky one?

  2)《Winter Wonderland》

       接下来的节目是由两位老师——Ms. Chalyce Stevens & Mrs. Tessa Beck带来的《Winter Wonderland》,这首歌将我们带入了独特的冬日仙境。 The next performance was Winter Wonderland by two teachers——Ms. Chalyce Stevens & Mrs. Tessa Beck. The song brought everyone into a special winter wonderland.

  3)《悲怆[Piano Sonata No. 8]》


  The next program is the famous Piano Sonata No. 8, and to everyone’s surprise, under Rita’s performance, the piece contained a rather lively touch.

  Rita的钢琴演出Rita's piano performance

  4)《Feliz Navidad》

       以往听惯了中文版和英文版的《Jingle Bells》,今年换种不一样的口味。西班牙语课的Weed先生和他的几位学生给我们送上了西班牙语版《Jingle Bells》———《Feliz Navidad》 I believe that almost everyone is familiar to the song Jingle Bells whether in Chinese or English. This year comes a change in taste. Mr Weed and his Spanish students presented Feliz Navidad.

  Feliz Navidad- Mr Weed 的 Spanish课程必唱歌单榜一Feliz Navided- Mr Weed‘s Spanish class "must sing" list No1

  5)《Love Sick Girls》 & 《Jingle Bell Rock》

       不出所料,只要有表演,舞蹈是必不可少的。Chloe Liao, Amy Yu, Christina Zhang, Bonnie Bai,Anica Qian, Whitney Tippetts,Haylee Tippetts还有Linda Anderson 用两段《Love Sick Girls》 & 《Jingle Bell Rock》的舞蹈展现给我们什么叫做青春无敌。 And just as we expected, where there’s a performance, dancing is always part of it. Chloe Liao, Amy Yu, Christina Zhang, Bonnie Bai,Anica Qian, Whitney Tippetts, Haylee Tippetts and Linda Anderson displayed unbeatable youth with the dance performances Love Sick Girls and Jingle Bell Rock.

  Bonnie Bai, Christina Zhang, Chloe Liao, Amy Yu的 《Love Sick Girls》 表演

  Bonnie Bai, Christina Zhang, Chloe Liao, Amy Yu's《Love Sick Girls》 performance

  Linda Anderson, Anica Qian, Whitney Tippetts,Haylee Tippetts 表演的《Jingle Bell Rock》Linda Anderson, Anica Qian, Whitney Tippetts,Haylee Tippetts‘《Jingle Bell Rock》

  6)《Demons》&《Bohemian Rhapsody》

        RDF的专属乐队, K-off也在这次表演中大展风采。一首《Demons》让台下的观众们尖叫连连。再一首《Bohemian Rhapsody》把此次活动推向了高潮。 RDF’s dedicated band, K-off also showed their capabilities in today’s gala. The song Demons made the audiences’ cheer never stop. And then, their Bohemian Rhapsody completely heated the atmosphere.

  K-off 乐队演出现场Live on K-off

  7) Drama Performance

       欣赏完了歌舞表演,接下来请欣赏RDF戏剧课同学们带来的戏剧表演。他们用三段圣诞小故事讲述了圣诞节在不同人心目中的不同意义。 Although all these singing and dancing are veryinteresting, a different taste is always necessary. Fortunately, our dramashows were presented later, it told three appealing short stories about themeaning of Christas meanings for some people.

  小编有幸出演的Drama PerformanceChristmas Drama performance

  8)《Christmas Tree Farm》

       RDF好声音的冠军得主 Stephanie给大家献上了《歌曲《Christmas Tree Farm》。她用她独特的女高音惊艳全场。 The champion of the RDFIS singing competition, Stephanie Tomaz also brought us the song Christmas Tree Farm, along with her unique Soprano, impressing the whole audience.

  《Christmas Tree Rock》,由Stephanie Tomaz带来

  《Christmas Tree Rock》, brought by Stephanie Tomaz

  9)《Feliz Navidad》

       音乐可不单单只有歌声, 弦乐器也是现代音乐里重要的组成部分. RDF Strings Ensemble就让我们再次领略了Feliz Navidad的旋律. Music are not only including singing. String instruments are also an important component of modern music. The RDF Strings Ensemble presented the Feliz Navidad again with their various string instruments.

  另一个风格的《Feliz Navidad》《Feliz Navidad》in another style

  10)《All I want for Christmas is You》

       作为压轴节目, Alyssa为我们演唱了All I want for Christmas is You。即使是在寒冷的圣诞, 也不能停下想你的脚步. The second to last program was the song All I want forChristmas is you by Alyssa. Her passionate performance warmed the hearts ofeveryone listening, despite the harsh coldness of winter.

  Alyssa带来的《All I want for Christmas is You》《All I want for Christmas is You》brought by Alyssa

  11)《Jingle Bells》& 《义勇军进行曲》

        RDF管弦乐队带来了较具有圣诞气息的歌曲——《Jingle Bells》!表演的下半段, 一段喜闻乐见的中西合璧演奏——《义勇军进行曲》。本场活动在庄严的演奏声中徐徐拉下帷幕。圣诞庆典活动完美收官, Finally, the RDF Orchestra brought us the most Christmas-themed song: Jingle Bells! And at the final half of theirperformance, they brought us the Chinese National Anthem, bringing the whole gala to a perfect end.

  《Jingle Bells》& 《义勇军进行曲》《Jingle Bells》& The《Chinese National Anthem》

  终 |End |

  即使现在早已是寒冬腊月, 但寒冷的天气终将挡不住RDF学子对于表演的热情。让我们期待下一次的演出。较后, 感谢为这场演出精心付出的所有老师,演职人员, 以及主持人!Even though winter has arrived, and the cold weather grows, the coldness doesn’t at all block the enthusiasm of the RDF students towards the performances. Let us anticipate the next year’s performances.Finally, a huge thanks to all the performers, hosts, and teachers who helped make it possible!


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