Professional and International Teachers Team
Our school curriculum consists of Chinese National Fundamental Curriculum, Global Understanding Curriculum and Leadership Course which are parts of CIL Integration Curriculum. The unique CIL Integration Curriculum system enables students to enhance their 4C skills, including critical thinking and problem-solving skill, communication and international communication skill, creativity and innovation skill, collaboration and leadership skill.
Professional and International Teachers Team
Our teaching group consists of professional teachers from China, highly educated bilingual teachers, who have returned from abroad, and professional international teachers.
- 深圳市2020年度民办学校
- 国际道尔顿教育协会评估认证的所国际道尔顿学校
- 深圳市第一所基础教育(小学、初中)学段的国际化学校
- 2018-2021连续三年被评为“全球教育风向标学校”
- 国际道尔顿英语教学研究(中国)实验校
- 国际道尔顿教育协会(荷兰)道尔顿榜样学校
- 2017~2018年南山区教育先进单位
- 深圳市南山区国际理解教育特色学校
- 受邀在全国第六第七届创新教育年会上做教育成果展示
- 青少年国际数学竞赛-袋鼠数学竞赛深圳市考点学校