——摘自3月21日David Swanson媒体采访
媒体采访地点:IEIC国际教育创新大会 · 春季峰会 · 深圳站新闻媒体中心
媒体采访嘉宾:David Swanson,深圳南山国际学校校长
We have four questions to ask you. The first is what do you think what is the biggest difference between Chinese schools and western schools?我们有四个问题要问你。第一个问题是你认为中国学校和西方学校较大的区别是什么?
David Swanson:
Okay, I would say that there are lots of different kinds of Chinese schools and lots of different kinds of western schools. So it may be better to ask what's the difference between traditional schools and a school like mine which is a IB school? And the answer to that I think is that traditional schools tend to just focus on the academic content, whereas an international school like mine, the IB school and SNIS we tend to focus on building the skills and students that they're going to need for the rest of their lives. We really are seeking to create global citizens who are going to be successful anywhere they go in the world. So we want to build the whole child not just academically, but as good people as good global citizens who are going to have a positive effect on the world and be leaders in the world.
What qualities in students are highly valued by Shenzhen Nanshan International School?
David Swanson:
We're looking for students who are globally minded. We really want students who are going to, as I mentioned, be leaders in the world when they leave our school. We want students who care about making the world a better place and they really need to have skills that are skills like communication skills, interpersonal skills or social skills, research skills and self management skills that are going to make them successful in our school and beyond.
How should the families prepare in advance for choosing a school?
David Swanson:
Okay, since we are in international school and our entire curriculum is taught in English, making sure that their English language skills are up to speed are up to great level is key. Really doing a good job, making sure that they're prepared to handle the rigor of a school where it's not just about the academic, but also about the skills that they need to survive in life.
Can you tell us the admission criteria of Shenzhen Nanshan International School?
David Swanson:
Okay, so we are a true international school which means that we can only take students who are foreign passports holders and not just mainland Chinese ID card holder. So we do accept students that are globally minded and that do want to have that international experience in their education.
作为拥有多年教育经验的从业者,David Swanson结合自己的办学经验,为大家讲述了自己的教育理念,相信这能够给在教育路上充满困惑的家长带来更多的思考和新的启发。