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    权威Authority ||美国驻华大使欢迎中国学生赴美留学


      7月3日,美国驻广州总领事馆在广州富力君悦大酒店举办了一场主题为美国与中国“共同航程”的晚宴,庆祝美国独立243周年以及中美建交40周年。美国驻华大使特里•布兰斯塔德、美国驻广州总领事馆总领事李靖(Jim Levy)、广东省副省长覃伟中和广州市政府副秘书长李红卫莅临现场。美国驻华大使特里•布兰斯塔德和美国驻广州总领事馆总领事李靖均表示欢迎中国学生赴美留学。

      On July 3, the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou hosted a dinner party themed "A Shared Voyage" at Grand Hyatt Guangzhou hotel to celebrate the 243rd anniversary of America’s independence and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and America. American Ambassador to China Terry Branstad, Consul-general of the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou Jim Levy , Vice governor of Guangdong province Tan Weizhong, and Deputy Secretary General of Guangzhou municipal government Li Hongwei attended the party. Mr. Terry Branstad and Jim Levy both said that America welcomes Chinese students to study in America.




      受邀出席的各行各业代表约500多人,其中中国GIA(Griggs International Academy)作为教育领域的代表出席晚宴,并在晚宴上展示了中国GIA所肩负和开拓的中美教育“共同航程”视频。

      Over 500 representatives from various fields were invited to attend the party, among which GIA (Griggs International Academy) China was the only educational institution invited. At the party, a video clip about GIA’s educational effort in China was presented to all, showing the shared Sino-US voyage in education and cultural exchange.

      GIA格里格斯国际教育学院创立于1909年,是美国较大、世界第二大私立教育体系。GIA课程体系受到美国七大教育权威机构的认可,在世界的推广得到美国领事馆的大力支持。上海宏润博源学校获得GIA在上海的授权。宏润博源学校总校长陈文国和外方校长Christopher Moses作为GIA代表与GIA中国区总监李皓辰先生一同受邀出席晚宴。

      Established in 1909, Griggs International Academy is the largest private education system in the United States and the second largest in the world. GIA course system is recognized by seven leading educational authorities in the United States, and its worldwide promotion is strongly supported by the U.S. consulates. Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School (SHBS) has obtained GIA's exclusive authorization in Shanghai. As GIA representatives, SHBS General Principal Bowen Chen and Foreign Principal Christopher Moses were invited to attend the dinner together with GIA China Supervisor Harry Lee.

      GIA中国区总监李皓辰(中)、上海宏润博源总校长陈文国(右三)&外方校长Christopher Moses(左二)


      广州驻华总领事李靖与Christopher Moses校长


      U.S. Consul-general Jim Levy said at the dinner, "Our consulate fully supports such cultural and economic exchanges. We will continue providing fast, thoughtful, and clear student visa service. "



      Before this, commercial service office of the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou held a seminar in Zhujiang New Town to explain the current visa policy of the United States, and refuted various kinds of visa rumors. "On average, each visa officer at the U.S. consulate still grants more than 100 visas per day," Mr. Jim Levy said. "So far, there has been no change in U.S. visa or immigration policies, except that applicants are required to submit social media information on the application form DS-160. The trade friction between China and the United States has had no impact on the visa."


      On June 29, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald trump held a meeting in Osaka. The two sides agreed to advance China-US relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability. President Xi Jinping said at the beginning of the meeting, "Cooperation benefits both countries while confrontation hurts both. Cooperation is better than friction, and dialogue is better than confrontation."

      特朗普明确表示,“我们想要中国学生来美国留学。他们是优秀的学生和巨大的资产” 他还表示,美国政府正在寻找新的方式 ,让成功的外国大学生在毕业后更容易留在美国,包含中国留学生。

      Donald Trump made it clear, "we want Chinese students to study in the United States. They are great students and great assets." He also said, “American government is looking for new ways to make it easier for successful foreign students,including Chinese students, to stay in the United States after graduation.


      The United States is among the countries boasting the highest-quality education systems in the world. Its high education quality helped it secure the leading position in science and technology in the world. The introduction of high-quality educational resources from the United States to serve the primary education of China and to cultivate outstanding talents are very beneficial to the development of China and beyond.


      Ren Zhengfei, president of Huawei, once said that the United States is a model for us to learn from, and we should be grateful for that, "We should step up development in education, improve the overall quality of the people in general, earnestly study the advanced ideas of other countries, and achieve ideological liberation." Obviously, if people give up and hesitate because of minor "twists and turns", it would be like giving up eating for fear of choking.


      Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan school will work closely with GIA and continue exploring and optimizing the GIA curriculum system based on the over-twenty-year international education experience of our principals, so as to provide high-quality education for Chinese children.

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    南京站 2024.07.06 南京雨润涵月楼酒店 6F 石城宴会厅(江苏省南京市建邺区江东中路235号) 预约报名
    北京站 2024.07.06 北京四季酒店5层大宴会厅(北京市朝阳区亮马桥路48号) 预约报名
    广州站 2024.07.06 天河区珠江新城富力丽思卡尔顿酒店2楼宴会厅(广州天河区珠江新城兴安路3号) 预约报名
    深圳站 2024.07.13 南山区圣淘沙酒店~翡翠店4楼宴会厅(深圳南山区金鸡路一号) 预约报名
    上海站 2024.07.20 上海中星铂尔曼大酒店▪3楼宴会厅(上海徐汇区浦北路1号) 预约报名
    东莞站 2024.07.20 东莞万达文华酒店·2楼会议厅(东莞市东城区东纵大道208号) 预约报名
    北京站 2024.08.03 待定 预约报名
    苏州站 2024.10.19 苏州凯悦酒店▪1F大宴会厅(苏州市苏州工业园区华池街88号 ) 预约报名
    北京站 2024.11.02 待定 预约报名
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    深圳站 2024.10.26 待定 预约报名
    广州站 2024.11.02 待定 预约报名
    苏州站 2024.12.14 苏州洲际酒店▪2F宴会厅B/C(苏州工业园区旺墩路288号) 预约报名
    上海站 2024.10.26 上海浦东嘉里大酒店3F(上海浦东新区花木路1388号) 预约报名


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