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      Stage 1 - Bespoke tour

      We are mindful that our new parents may well be in the process of relocating to another city, country or even continent, therefore the our admissions process is designed to be as simple and flexible as possible for parents, see below our step by step guide.

      We look forward to welcoming you to Britannica, during your first visit, we will:

      Introduce Britannica International School

      Discuss your child’s educational needs and suitability for our school and curriculum

      Provide a bespoke school tour

      Introduce you to our Principal, Mr David Goodwin

      Answer any specific questions you may have regarding the admissions procedure, our curriculum, school routines and timetables, after school activities, transport, etc.

      It is important to us that during this visit that you acquire as much information about our school as possible to ensure you are making the right choice for your child.

      Book a visit

      Stage 2 – Applying

      When you are ready to apply for a place for your child at Britannica International School, we will require a completed application form.

      The following documents will also be required:

      A copy of your child’s birth certificate and a copy of your child’s passport

      Two passport photos

      A copy of the parents/guardian(s) passport(s)

      A copy of your residence permit

      A copy of parent/guardian(s) work permit

      A copy of your child’s medical insurance card

      Copies of your child’s last two school reports

      A copy of your child's immunization record

      All these documents can be scanned and returned to our admissions department at admissions@britannicashanghai.com. Any missing documents can be brought into school at your convenience.

      Stage 3 – Assessment + second visit

      On receipt of the application form and documentation we will organise a meeting with the Principal which will include a formal assessment.

      We assess all students in order to asses their cognitive ability to ensure that our school is right for your child and that your child will achieve their maximum potential whilst at our school.

      Schedule an assessment

      Our Admissions department will be delighted to welcome you to the school for an assessment. Please contact them by telephone at +86-21-6402 7889 or by email at admissions@britannicashanghai.com

      Stage 4 - Offer and acceptance

      Providing that there is a place available for your child and that they have met both the admissions criteria (outlined by Shanghai Municipal Government) and passed the meeting or assessment, our Principal, Mr David Goodwin will provide an official offer to your child.

      The offer will be valid for 7 days and the school place will be secured once we have received the refundable deposit. The parent or guardian should accept the offer by email confirmation and arrange the payment as outlined in the statement.

      Once your child is accepted, a registration fee of 2000RMB and a deposit of 20,000RMB is required per child. The deposit will be fully refunded providing all accounts have been settled, all school property has been returned and required notice submitted. The deposit is not refundable if the child does not attend the school after enrolment and a place has been reserved.

      Please view our fees section for a full break down of our fees and payment process.



    1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
    2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
    3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

    为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,提醒您特别注意,本页面下的学校信息为公开渠道获取并在此展示,并不代表我们与此学校存在任何合作关系。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》
    武汉站 2025.03.08 武汉洪山宾馆•2楼楚律厅(湖北省武汉市武昌区中北路1号) 预约报名
    苏州站 2025.03.08 苏州凯悦酒店▪1楼大宴会厅(苏州市苏州工业园区华池街88号 ) 预约报名
    南京站 2025.03.15 南京希尔顿酒店•3楼颂庭宴会2/3厅(南京市建邺区江东中路 100 号) 预约报名
    南昌站 2025.03.22 南昌香格里拉大酒店•1楼南昌厅(南昌红谷滩新区翠林路669号) 预约报名
    宁波站 2025.03.22 宁波威斯汀酒店 · 四楼水晶厅2+3(宁波市海曙区日新街75号) 预约报名
    深圳站 2025.03.29 大中华喜来登酒店6楼西翼汉厅(福田区福华1路1号) 预约报名
    佛山站 2025.03.29 佛山万豪酒店5楼翰林湖厅(佛山市南海区海八东路38号) 预约报名
    贵阳站 2025.03.29 贵阳凯宾斯基大酒店 3层贵阳厅(贵阳市南明区护国路68号) 预约报名
    上海站 2025.04.12 上海龙之梦万丽酒店▪10楼大宴会厅 (上海长宁区长宁路1018号) 预约报名
    义乌站 2025.04.12 义乌香格里拉大酒店 ·3F新光厅/大宴会厅A(义乌市福田路6-8号) 预约报名
    上海站 2025.03.01 上海浦东嘉里大酒店3楼上海大宴会厅(上海浦东新区花木路1388号) 预约报名
    青岛站 2025.03.01 青岛富力艾美酒店五层大宴会厅(青岛市市北区延吉路112号) 预约报名
    北京站 2025.03.08 北京四季酒店5层大宴会厅(北京市朝阳区亮马桥路48号) 预约报名
    杭州站 2025.03.08 杭州君悦酒店•B2大宴会厅(杭州市上城区湖滨路28号) 预约报名
    深圳站 2025.03.09 大中华喜来登酒店6楼宴会厅(深圳市福田区福华1路1号) 预约报名
    广州站 2025.03.15 广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店2楼宴会厅(广州市天河区珠江新城兴安路3号) 预约报名
    杭州站 2025.09.13 待定 预约报名
    上海站 2025.11.01 待定 预约报名

    已阅读并同意 《用户隐私政策》
    为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,提醒您特别注意,本页面下的学校信息为公开渠道获取并在此展示,并不代表我们与此学校存在任何合作关系。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》
    已阅读并同意 《用户隐私政策》
    为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、移民、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》