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    IEIC媒体采访 | 常州威雅公学




      ——摘自3月13日Tim Pattison媒体采访

      媒体采访时间:2021年3月13日媒体采访地点:IEIC国际教育创新大会 · 春季峰会 · 上海站 新闻媒体中心媒体采访嘉宾:Tim Pattison,常州威雅公学中学校长



      Do you think it is better for Chinese children to attend international schools in China or go abroad directly?


      Tim Pattison:

      The benefits of staying in China shouldn't be overlooked. If you've got a child and they're not sure what they want to do. Staying in China will give them a chance to decide before you move them all that way away from home.

      Staying in China will give them the chance to try a school like Wycombe Abbey School Changzhou where we have all the facilities that a school in the UK would have.

      We're here in a familiar environment where they're closer to their family, where they've got friends, who have a similar experiences to them.

      It could be right for your child. You should carefully consider staying in China at a school like Wycombe Abbey Changzhou before you think about going to England.





      What abilities do you think students who want to enter British private schools should have? 您觉得想进英国私立学校的学生,应该具备哪些能力?

      Tim Pattison:

      The first ability they should have is the ability to choose the right school. Now that might not sound important, but I see so many people who have made decisions based on league tables and not what's right for their child.

      So have you seen that your child who's interests in arts has a fantastic art department at their school they going to? Have you seen that your child who really like sports is going to a school that has enough sports facilities? Have you seen that your child that really likes music has gone to a school where there's enough music and where music is part of the whole curriculum and part of the school in a really important way?

      If you haven't made sure about those things, then you've missed the first skill. After that, obviously you have things that I imagine everybody would tell you, be curious, be creative, be independent, be communicative.

      But if you can't communicate together as a family and with the schools you're seeing and visiting and thinking about what you really need for your child,you've missed the most important skill.





      Which ones need to be prepared in advance, and which ones need to be cultivated after entering school?


      Tim Pattison:

      Any good schools should be able to cultivate abilities that child is motivated to achieve. Our school, we find ways and to motivate children through our boarding environment. At Wycombe Abbey School Changzhou, we do 7 days a week boarding like they do in the UK, like they do a broader in any boarding school. Any good school should be able to motivate your child to cultivate those abilities. The really important thing is choosing the school,that's right for your child. That's the first skill and that involves you as a parent communicating with your child, working with your child, working with the teachers, trying to persuade you to go to their school, to really find out if it's right for them.

      So making that choice is the only thing that you can’t cultivate in advance because once you're there, you've already moved a child and that's a lot of difficulties and a lot of stress.

      So make it easy for yourself and get the decision right at the start. Why don't you come and visit Wycombe Abbey Changzhou if you want to see what a good school should look like. Thank you.





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