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    IEIC媒体采访 | 上海虹桥国际外籍人员子女学校



      ——摘自3月13日Mr. Roel N. Cruijff媒体采访


           媒体采访地点:IEIC国际教育创新大会 · 春季峰会 · 上海站 新闻媒体中心

           媒体采访嘉宾:Mr. Roel N. Cruijff,上海虹桥国际外籍人员子女学校学术校长



      The first question is please share with us your feeling at today's fair?首先请你与我们做一个分享,您在今天的IEIC现场有怎样的感受?

           Mr. Roel N. Cruijff:

      Today's fair is quite big. I'm so happy to see a lot of colleagues from other schools and from my own school obviously in this post covid era, it's really good to be with this many minded people again after such a long time where we had to be separated from each other and these events couldn't happen.So I think that's the biggest impression for me that there's a feeling of relief that we can just be together and talk about these things that into our heart like education. I think that 's very professionally set up and I'm very impressed with how everything is going today.




      Please share with us a educational concept which you personally admire.分享一下您个人非常崇尚的教育理念给大家。

      Mr. Roel N. Cruijff:

      There are several educational concepts that are close to my heart, especially I'm a big fan of using positive discipline.In all facets of education. It's not just for early years, it is relevant for primary school, middle school. And even in managing staff, positive discipline focus on a sense of belonging and a sense of capability.


      There are many more facets focuses on, but those two or keep if a manager focuses on belonging and capability in his staff, you will have a happy staff, productive staff, and a successful company. It is that relevant. It is the same for a teacher in the class if the children feel like they beloved and they feel that they have a sense of capability and they should be there. That is a very happy classroom and that is something that you want to have. Fun learning,becomes effective learning and positive discipline can allow the environment to to become that.




      why do you think IBPYP is one of the best framework or the best philosophy all around the world to Help our students to be a person?你为什么认为IB国际课程是全球范围内,能帮助孩子成为更好自己的的课程之一?

            Mr. Roel N. Cruijff:

      I've always been a fan of IB, the international baccalaureate has the whole spectrum from preschool all the way to grade 12. For example,I was teaching in the diploma program before and it's one of the best most rigorous programs where you still approach the children at their individual level. IB and I think that's the strength with IB that it allows for children from different backgrounds to be part of the school it is very tolerant,very welcoming to people from other cultures,other backgrounds.

      For our school,HQIS we have so many different backgrounds,so many different nationalities for my children,but also from our staff. Ib is the perfect vehicle to welcome and learn about these cultures and make people become part of our school culture。





      Can you please talk about some differences between Shanghai Hong Qiao International School and other bilingual schools.


           Mr. Roel N. Cruijff:

      Yeah, sure. I think that there are several key differences between our school, HQIS as an international school. There's also a lot of and the bilingual schools that are developing now in China. I think that there are also many similar at ease. I wanted to say, especially that bilingual schools are changing, they're also evolving. They're responding to cultural shifts in Shanghai. I think that's really exciting. HQIS always stay true to its culture and its values. And I think that there are still some key differences there between bilingual schools around us. For example, we definitely value being a balanced life style is important. And so homework is important, but it can't be all encompassing. I feel that sometimes homework in some bilingual schools is very overwhelming.


      And I think that we should not go that way. I do hear that is changing slowly, but we want to make sure that homework is relevant is authentic. And is is answering the child's need. So it has to be effective. I think that's something that I mentioned earlier. Learning has to be fun, it has to be authentic. It has to make it become effective. Ii think that the diversity in our student body is a big difference as well. So there is we automatically learn more about the world,other nationality. And that with that responsibilities our global, what does it mean to be a global citizen? I think that is from the very beginning from from preschool and nursery you already exposed to a lot of different cultures, different languages. I think that's a big difference obviously. So I think that the parents that value that will will seek out school like ours and the children will thrive in a school like ours.




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