北京市朝阳区凯文学校成立于 2017 年,学校占地约 14.14 公顷,总建筑面积 28 万平米。是一所 K-12 国际化双语学校。北京市朝阳区凯文学校采用满足中国国家课程标准要求且融入剑桥课程(CAIE)的 IB 课程体系。
On the 21st of Feb, all students will return to the school. We wish all the little demoiselle cranes can start the new journey, flying higher and farther!
朝阳凯文诚挚邀您参加近期校长面对面活动, 了解朝阳凯文的教学理念、课程设置、校园环境,详细了解朝向未来的国际教育。
Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy sincerely invites parents to participate in the face-to-face talk with the principals to fully understand Kaiwen teaching philosophy, curriculum settings, school environment and learn more about the future of international education.
3月19日,欢迎您参加凯文校园日,聆听校长理念,体验多种特色课程,解码领 导力与创造力如何塑造未来!
Mar 19th, Chaoyang Kaiwen sincerely invite parents to participate in the the school day to fully experience Kaiwen feature program, and understand how leadership and creativity shaping the furture!
为了帮助和支持家长全方位了解家庭教育在孩子成长中扮演的重要角色,我们将3月19日下午增设一个教育对话,徐涛校长邀请青少年心理健康危机干预专家徐凯文以及北京第二外国语学院田歆桐女士就《双 减之下,家庭教育加减之道》,一同给予家长真实的家庭幸福策略。
Mar 19th, Prof. Xu kaiwen and MS.Tian Xintong are invitited on the Parents' Workshop. You are welcome to join in this session to learn more about the tips on parenting.