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      广州暨大港澳子弟学校幼儿园课程设置 Kindergarten Curriculum

      1、以英语、普通话为主要学习语言。English and Mandarin are the main classroom languages.

      主要有六个学习领域:Six main learning areas

      中文(包括阅读)Chinese (including reading)数学 Mathematics英语 English视觉艺术(美术)、表演艺术(戏剧、舞蹈、音乐)Visual Arts (Fine Art), Performing Arts (Drama, Dance, Music)体育科 Physical Education探究课程(综合能力培养、项目制)Unit of Inquiry (UOI) - integrated ability development and project-based

      另大班阶段会有相对应的幼小衔接课程。Corresponding kindergarten-elementary bridging courses are offered at the higher kindergarten level.

      小学部课程设置:Primary Department Curriculum

      1、以英语为主要学习语言(除中文学科外),英语学科实行分层教学。开设有语文、数学的培优与基础夯实课程。1. English is the main classroom language (except the Chinese language course). English is taught by different levels. Our school offers reinforcement and advanced courses in the Chinese language and Mathematics.

      2、主要为八个学习领域。分别是:Eight main learning areas:

      中文 Chinese英文 English数学 Mathematics科学教育 Science Education信息与技术Information and Technology个人、社会及人文学科 Personal, Social & Humanities视觉艺术(美术)、表演艺术(戏剧、舞蹈、音乐)Visual Arts (Fine Art), Performing Arts (Drama, Dance, Music)体育科 Physical Education


      Unit of Inquiry (UOI) - integrated ability development and project-based, American Mathematics Competitions, Japanese, Korean, Robotics, Golf, Tennis, and other diversified courses.


      中学部课程设置:Junior High School Curriculum


      English and Mandarin are the main classroom languages. English is taught by different levels. We have classes where English is the main classroom language of instruction and classes where bilingual integration is taught based on students' English level. Our school offers reinforcement and advanced courses in English and Mathematics, as well as Chinese tutoring classes.

      2、主要为八个核心课程。分别是:Eight main learning areas:中文(语言与文学)Chinese (Language and Literature)英文(语言习得)English (Language Acquisition)数学 Mathematics综合科学Integrated Science物理 Physics化学Chemistry生物Biology个体与社会Individual and Social计算机设计Design视觉艺术(美术)、表演艺术(戏剧、舞蹈、音乐)Visual Arts (Fine Art), Performing Arts (Drama, Dance, Music)体育科Physical Education

      另有日语、粤语、科技创新、舞蹈、跆拳道、奥数班、雅思提升班等多元化课程。Japanese, Cantonese, Technology and Innovation, Dance, Taekwondo, Math Olympiad classes, IELTS improvement classes, and other diversified courses

      高中部课程设置:Senior High School Curriculum

      开设香港DSE课程Hong Kong DSE courses

      HKDSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education) 全称“香港中学文 凭考试”,是每年由香港考评局主办的公开考试,等同于香港的高考。学生凭DSE成绩录取香港、内地及海外的大学,全球有超过16个国家400多所高校认可DSE考试成绩,港籍学生可凭借DSE成绩报考国内包括清华、北大、复旦在内的129所大学(涵盖内地985、211高校)。

      HKDSE is an annual public examination organised by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. The HKDSE examination is Hong Kong's university entrance examination. Students are admitted to prestigious universities in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas with their DSE results. More than 400 universities and colleges in over 16 countries worldwide recognise DSE results. Hong Kong students can apply to 129 universities in Chinese Mainland, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Fudan University (covering “Project 985” and “Project 211” universities in Chinese Mainland) with their DSE scores.


      The DSE examination consists of four core subjects (Chinese Languages, English Language, Mathematics, and Citizenship and Social Development) and a variety of elective subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Chinese Literature, History, Economics, etc.)


      In addition to reinforcement and advanced courses, our academic departments have more than 30 ECA courses covering various subjects, including language, art, technology, and sports. These courses help students achieve more comprehensive and diversified development.




      In 2022, our school and the college of Chinese Language and Culture of Jinan University have joined hands to launch the Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Overseas Chinese Joint Examination (Intensive) course. We have employed experienced teachers to help students achieve excellent results.


      In 1993, the College of Chinese Language and Culture at Jinan University (CCLC) was established under the joint approval of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and the Education Ministry. It was composed of the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese School (established in 1953), the Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Jinan University (established in 1985) and the Department of Pre-College Education (established in 1925). The CCLC has long been dedicated to Chinese Language Education and Chinese International Education. It is a specialised college of Jinan University to promote Chinese Language Education, Chinese International Education, and Pre-College Education in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas. The college has the historical mission of cultivating talents for overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and is a distinctive brand of Jinan University in the development strategy of "Overseas Chinese University + Famous University."


      The examination centre of the Joint International Admissions Examination to General University and Colleges in Chinese Mainland (the Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Overseas Chinese Joint Examination)


      The examination centre of Jinan University and Huaqiao University Joint International Admissions Examination (Joint Entrance Examination for Two Universities).

      ●中国汉语水平考试(HSK)初、中、高级考点;The HSK examination center for junior, middle and senior levels.

      ●国家汉办“汉语作为外语教学能力证 书”考试点。

      The examination centre of “Measures for Certifying Teachers’ Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language” of HanBan


      Admission Process: Enrollment - Entrance Examination and Past Academic Performance Evaluation - The Offer Letter - Registration and Payment



      Prospective Students: Students who are eligible to apply for the Joint Entrance Examination for Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese


      Examination content: Chinese and English Language, Mathematics (120 minutes)


      Examination Time: Please book an appointment in advance



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    武汉站 2025.03.08 武汉洪山宾馆•2楼楚律厅(湖北省武汉市武昌区中北路1号) 预约报名
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