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    媒体采访 | 元耕山语湖双语国际学校Ian Hunt

    发布日期:2021-04-20 14:08阅读:2836人

      我们要问的是,我的孩子在这里会快乐吗?因为快乐的孩子会想学习,只有渴望学习才能成功。——摘自Ian Hunt校长3月20日媒体采访


      媒体采访地点:IEIC国际教育创新大会 · 春季峰会 · 广州站新闻媒体中心




      First of all, please share with us your feelings attoday's IEIC scene?


      Ian Hunt:

      For me, it's been a very enjoyable experience here,not only is it give us the opportunity to meet potential parents, but it's alsobeen a great opportunity to meet the principles from other schools in theregion and to talk about educational aspects as well. So it's been great fromboth aspects for me.



      Please share with us a educational concept which youpersonally admire?


      Ian Hunt:

      I've been with the IB program for over 20 years now.So I'm very much into the IB philosophy and I think the IB programs and the philosophyit is something that's really needed in the world and it's that move away fromjust academics into developing realistically the child as well, which I thinkis very important.



      What common misunderstandings do you think parentshave in the process of choosing a school?


      Ian Hunt:

      I think perhaps the biggest misunderstanding that parents have is actuallygetting there and the misunderstanding that to get there is very difficult andyou must produce as much fake Information as possible to get there. It's notdifficult to get to a foreign university. It's relatively easy to get toforeign university. The difficulty is being successful once you were there. SoI would urge parents please do not in flat grey DDS do not approach agents togive you inflation in false personal statements. Let your child develop, letyour child put their personal statement in their own words. I'm prepare themfor life at university not just to get there. The important thing I wouldn'tlike to sort of here again. It's not getting to university that's important.It's been successful once you are there and it's about having those approachesto learning skills, the social skills, the communication skills that when ableto your children to be successful and then to return to China as well roundedcitizens.



      When parents plan for their children's internationaleducation, what kind of school age stage do you think is the mostsuitable?


      Ian Hunt:

      I think with regard to age, it's more upon the school if you've got a schoolwhere the child is happy in the primary years, that's important having childrenwho are happy and enjoy learning in the very, very early ages. It is the mostimportant thing. So don't just think Chinese system or international systemlook at the school, will my child be happy here? Because a happy child willwant to learn. It's the wanting to learn that will be successful. So the bestage is the age where your child feels comfortable. They enjoy learning. Theywant to move on to something that perhaps their current school isn't providingfor them.



      What makes CBIS Bilingual international schoolbeingdifferent from other schools ?


      Ian Hunt:

      I would say the difference between CBIS another international schools isperhaps that we've been focused on the holistic development of children.There's a big focus in China about getting students to Top universities andthat's detrimental to student growth is also detrimental to parentexpectations. I think our differences we work with the children all ourchildren will get to university, but we want to get them there confident andable to be successful and we want to make sure our parents understand the wholeprocess.

      One of the differences we work in educating parents as much as childreninto what it means to have an international education and how to be successfulonce they get there. We believe that cbis that was responsible not just forgetting children through exams, but preparing them for a future life of success.



      作为拥有多元丰富教育背景和经验的从业者,Ian Hunt校长结合多年的学校管理经验,为大家讲述了自己对于教育的理解,相信这能够给在教育路上充满困惑的家长带来更多的思考和新的启发。





      以上就是有关于IEIC国际教育创新大会 · 春季峰会 · 广州站的相关介绍,希望对家长们有所帮助,如果您想了解更加详细的信息,直接点击下方咨询通道填写#家长有问必答#报名,远播老师会第一时间致电为您答疑解惑!
    IEIC国际教育创新大会 · 春季峰会 · 广州站


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